Everyone should know how the IRS contacts taxpayers. This will help people avoid becoming a victim of scammers who pretend to be from the IRS with a goal of stealing personal information. Here are some facts about how the IRS communicates with taxpayers: The IRS doesn’t normally initiate contact with taxpayers by email. The agency… Read More

WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service alerted taxpayers the day after Presidents Day marks the busiest day of the year for calls to the toll-free help line. The IRS reminded taxpayers that most answers to their tax questions can be quickly found on IRS.gov. Taxpayers who call the IRS the day after Presidents Day can… Read More

All taxpayers have basic rights when filing taxes and dealing with the IRS. This tip is one in a series that outlines the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, which groups the multiple existing rights in the nation’s tax law into 10 categories. This makes it easier for taxpayers to find, understand and take advantage of their… Read More

MA State tax deduction or credit for contributions: Effective January 1, 2017 through the 2021 tax year, contributions to Massachusetts 529 plans of up to $1,000 per year by an individual, and up to $2,000 per year by a married couple filing jointly, are deductible in computing Massachusetts taxable income. U.fund College Investing Plan (massachusetts… Read More

Refund Delays for tax year 2017 filings in 2018 The IRS expects the earliest EITC/ACTC related refunds to be available in taxpayer bank accounts or debit cards starting Feb. 27, 2018, if they chose direct deposit and there are no other issues with the tax return. Taxpayers can go to Where’s My Refund?  to check on… Read More

IRS Refund Accepted IRS Refund Tax Refund Tax Refund NOTES On or After Accepted Before Direct Deposit Check Mailed 1st day to e-file Monday 1/23/17 Friday 1/27/17 Friday 2/03/17 Friday 2/03/17 Friday 2/03/17 Friday 2/10/17 Friday 2/17/17 Friday 2/17/17 Friday 2/10/17 Wednesday 2/15/17 Friday 2/24/17 Friday 2/24/17 Wednesday 2/15/17 Friday 2/24/17 Friday 3/03/17 Friday 3/03/17… Read More

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today issued a filing season alert warning taxpayers to watch out for identity theft at tax time, one of the year’s “Dirty Dozen” tax scams. The IRS continues to aggressively pursue the criminals that file fraudulent returns using someone else’s Social Security number. “We remain dedicated to stopping tax-related… Read More

Nearly everyone can claim an exemption on their tax return. It usually lowers your taxable income. In most cases, that reduces the amount of tax you owe for the year. Here are the top 10 tax facts about exemptions to help you file your tax return. E-file your tax return. Filing electronically is the easiest… Read More

It’s always a good idea to prepare early to file your federal income tax return.  Certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act – also known as the Health Care Law – will probably affect your federal income tax return when you file this year. You or your tax professional should consider preparing and filing your tax return… Read More

When filing your federal income tax return, you will see some changes related to the Affordable Care Act. Millions of people who purchased their coverage through a health insurance Marketplace are eligible for premium assistance through the new premium tax credit, which individuals chose to either have paid upfront to their insurers to lower their… Read More